Registration Forms

Registration Fee - 200 RMB

SWISMUN is a non-profit event. All the fees collected by this event will be reinvested towards the benefit of our delegates and chairs.

Due Dates

  • Registrations due by Apr 26

  • Registrations due by Apr 26

  • Registrations due by May 17

  • Registrations due by Apr 5

Chair Application Announcement

Dear Aspiring Chairs,

Chair applications for SWISMUN 2024 has started, please fill out the chair application form below. The deadline for chair application forms have been rescheduled to April 5, 2024, Friday. The secretariat will review all applications and notify shortlisted candidates for an interview in mid-late April, in order to make a final decision.

We expect chairs to be:

  • From Grades 9-12,

  • Passionate about Model United Nations, and helping delegates improve their MUN skills,

  • Responsible and organized, in order to enhance the SWISMUN experience.

We would prefer chairs to be:

Experienced with MUN.

Warm regards,

Leo Chan

Under Secretary General of Human Resources

Victor Wang

Deputy Secretary General