Notice: Chair reports and delegate resources have all been published!

June 7 - June 9, 2024



Promo Video

Note: The loading time for the promotional video might exceed expectations. Please remain patient.


Restoring Global

In the current era, a multitude of crises have emerged to threaten international peace and stability. Various wars and conflicts have erupted across the globe, while the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic persist across the world. SWISMUN is a forum where students passionate about MUN can come together to propose solutions for these issues, collaborating to build a better future.

A Letter From Our Team

At SWISMUN, we firmly believe that every delegate has the potential to make a difference. Through consideration of a diverse array of perspectives, the innovative solutions proposed today could become the key to solving the challenges of tomorrow.


Contact us

Should you have any questions or concerns, please refer to the FAQs Section. For any additional concerns, please complete the following form or email swismun2024(at), and a response will be provided as soon as possible

“In a time of rapid change, standing still is the most dangerous course of action.”

— Brian Tracy

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